You can help make a difference in the lives of Street Animals.
Our team is always in need of your help to further our efforts and making sure all the animals get the help that they need. There are many ways you can help and any way big or small will make a huge difference in lives of street animals. You can become a monthly donor, sponsor an animal, adopt an animal or join our foster program and help an animal survive.
You can also start a collection drive for food, medicines and donate it for our dogs or start a fundraiser and help raise much needed funds. The animals need you and we can help you make sure they get the help they deserve.

One of the main aims of Red Paws Rescue is to ensure that our Indian pups settle into loving and caring homes. There are thousands of street dogs and pups that are homeless because people rather buy than adopt an Indian street dog due to the negative misconceptions about their looks, behaviour and temperament. You can save a life today by adopting an Indian puppy.

Our foster program includes a network of individuals who are willing to keep a rescued puppy or adult dog till we find a permanent home for them. As a foster parent you will be responsible for the upbringing of the animal under your care before our team can match them with their forever families.

Take the front row seat in helping animals and run your own fundraiser for our charity. As an individual or group of friends or family there are many ways you can help support our work, some of which we have listed here. All you have to do is choose on of our fundraising ideas listed below or send us an email with your idea and our team will help guide you and help you achieve your dream of helping needy animals.
Start a fundraiser online on Ketto.org, set a target, describe your purpose, choose 'Red Paws Rescue' as the ngo and start raising money from friends & family.
Help by connecting us to companies who could provide us CSR donations.
Start a dog food collection drive for our animals
Hold a charity bake sale
Have a garage sale of unwanted home items
Fundraise in school or college
Organize a fun charity sports event